Gmail – How to Automatically Extract Information from Emails Using Regex


Every month I get an email from my mobile carrier which tells me how much money my contract has cost me the last month, and I'd like to be able to form that into an iOS notification with IFTTT. The problem is that I can't just create a new recipe with the mail body as a title, because the exact cost is not in the first lines for the mail.

An example for a mail I get would be

Hello nO_OnE_910,
cost: 10.00 €

And I'd like to get the information 10.00 € from that, with a regex like 'cost:\s(\d+\.\d{2})\s' and then send an email with the content of the first group to IFTTT to process the data.

Is this possible in any way without having to have a device on my end running?

Best Answer

I was just looking for a similar feature in IFTTT, but then discovered that Zapier (kind of) supports this. They're not proper regex's but it does pattern matching of sorts

Might be good enough for what you need!