Gmail – way to block recipients in Gmail


I'm not looking to block senders, I'm looking to block recipients. For instance, I've occasionally hit Reply and written an email to an address of the type,, or, and then wondered why I never got a response, only to see that they require responses through a web form or something.

There are also some addresses who might be CC'ed on a message, but who I would never want to reply to, for instance.

I'd like to make a filter for addresses like this, so that if I try to send to them, it either aborts and moves it to the Drafts folder, or it gets redirected to myself, etc.

Best Answer

Filters apply to incoming mail, not outgoing. So as of now - you can't do anything to prevent yourself from replying back to these.

The closest you can do is create a label titled "do-not-reply-to-these-mails" which is bright red in colour as a reminder