Gmail – way to register Gmail account anonymously


In days of old, you just entered login+pass+some dummy information, and you were done. Now, it asks for your mobile phone number, or your friend's phone number, or your home phone number.

Is there a way to create a Google account not bound to one's real life data?

Best Answer

One easy way would be to use a disposable email address via as the alternative email address Google registartion asks. That way you don't have to register to any other site, and you could even use the disposable address to recover your account just by writing down the address somewhere - no expiration.

Of course, it's better if the disposable address is nothing somebody else might use, for example an SHA1 hash of something. Like

And if you want to be really, really anonymous you could use a bootable USB-stick for a separate, secure OS to protect from tracking methods like those used by Panopticlick, and of course route all traffic thorugh Tor... but I'm thinking you don't need quite that depth of anonymity. :)