Gmail – way to update an email thread in Gmail with the keyboard

gmailkeyboard shortcuts

I find it frustrating that Gmail uses an ajax or other system to put a yellow box in the bottom right of an email thread to tell you that you got a new email, but it doesn't just go put the actual email there for you to read it.

I'm hoping there's at least a keyboard shortcut that I can use to tell it to load it (same as if I clicked the "show" link in the yellow box).

I think it's probably possible to write a tampermonkey script to do this, but I don't know how to do that yet.

Maybe an extension exists?

Best Answer

The shortcut would be to use: Shift + N

Update current conversation - Updates your current conversation when there are new messages.

It's not one of the defaults, you'll have to make sure you have "Keyboard shortcuts on" setting.