Gmail and Facebook – Handling Emails Sent to Gmail ID Without Dot


I recently received email from Facebook saying that:

To verify that you own, please click here. You may be
asked to enter this confirmation code: 32522

But my email address is Gmail ignores dot in email address but I think Facebook does not because of which I am receiving this email. Someone, it seems, is trying to use to register on Facebook.

What can I do in this case? Can someone hijack my account via this method?

Best Answer

It's annoying, but I don't think there's anything you can do. I also don't think there's much to worry about. Facebook will alert you if there's a change on your account.

One thing you might do is add your dotless gmail address as an alternative address on your account. That way, at least, when someone tries to sign up with it they should get a message that it's already in use.

That said, make sure you're using good, unique passwords on Facebook and especially your Google Account. Every "forgot password" mechanism out there sends a message to your confirmed email address, so if someone can get into your Gmail they can really mess with your entire life.

If it continues, you might want to open a ticket with Facebook. They might have some measures to keep this person who doesn't know their own email address from trying to inadvertently hack your account.