Gmail – What other settings could prevent the “Go to Label” feature working in Google Mail


The "Go to Label" Lab feature should work as follows:

  • Press g then l (goto label)
  • Hovering input box opens
  • Start typing a label's name or a folder name (Inbox, Trash, etc.)
    • Suggestions appear as I type to a dropdown list
  • Select a label from the list / type the whole label
  • Submit
  • Page in:<name> (or label:<name>) opens

HOWEVER When I trigger the keyboard shortcut, hovering input box opens with l already put*. Suggestions won't appear. Nothing happens when I press enter.

2011-06-30 Pressing g then l won't even show the input box anymore.

The feature is broken. I have tried Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera on OS X.

I have the following other Labs features enabled**:

  • Extra Emoji
  • Search from autocompletion
  • Undo send
  • Add images
  • Unread messages icon
  • Send & Archive
  • Mark as read button
  • Title improvements
  • Fetch POP-accounts
  • Recently used Emoji
  • Signature tweaks
  • Go to label (duh)
  • Message peek

Are any/some/a combination of these known to be in conflict with the "Go to label"? With my current Labs settings there is quite a lot of possible combinations, so trial & error might not be worth the hassle as I still can use the search box and click on the labels on the list on the left.

Also @Al Everett confirmed the Go to Label works for him as advertised, so I believe some other Lab feature is preventing it from working correctly. (I might investigate this, unless someone knows the answer straight away.)

For what it's worth, I actually have Google Apps mail — but a help article suggests the versions don't differ that much.

*) The l isn't input in Firefox, otherwise it (dys)functions the same
**) These are translations from their Finnish namesakes so it may not be 1:1 correct.

Best Answer

I had the same problem, but the solution for me was to disable the "Preview Pane" Gmail lab.