Gmail – Why can’t I add a Gmail account to the Google Apps group


I have a Google Apps account, and have a Group in it with a few members (9). None of those members are domain accounts—about half of them are "" accounts, and the others are from different domains.

Recently, I tried to add another "" account as a member, and it seems to just ignore me. I put in the address, click "Add", the page refreshes and the list of members has not changed.

I've also tried variations on the email address (, but that didn't help.

Is it possible that a specific Gmail account could be blocked, or could that user has a setting that would prevent them from being added to a group?

Best Answer

Users could block group managers from adding them to groups. There is a "My Global Settings" by domain.

For the domain, the URL is!usersettings/general

For other other domains the URL looks like!usersettings/general

In both cases, the settings pages looks like the following screenshot:

Google Groups User Settings