Gmail – Why does gmail send confirmation mail to address of alias


When I'm trying to create an alias in gmail, it sends a confirmation email to that address (to the alias that I'm trying to create).
And then of course it says that there is no such address. Of course, it's just an alias that I'm actually trying to create.

An alias – is an alternative email address which is used with the same email account. Here is Google docs about it.

In outlook I could do it easily. It worked as expected: I assigned an alternative email address to the existing abount, without creating any new email accounts, and all mails from all aliases go to one mailbox.

In gmail I go to Settings, Accounts and Import, Add Another email address, typing name and email address (that I want to be my new alias) and then there is a button appear on the next step: Send Verification.

Best Answer

Gmail (for email addresses hosted on allows "plus" aliases that doesn't require a verification email. For all other "aliases", specially those added by using "Settings, Accounts and Import, Add Another email address" requires a email verification. Why? That is a Google policy.