Gmail – Why Does Gmail Show Two Different Profile Pictures


Recently, a strange thing occurred in my account when viewing it on my laptop computer. I have my normal profile picture that appears in the upper right hand corner of what I see when viewing my mail at However, if I pick any email in my inbox and view that email, after the email content is a separator line and a box that reads Click here to Reply or Forward and to the left of the box that contains that text is another picture that is not my profile picture, but a picture of one of my contacts.

Why is this random contact picture appearing next to my reply-to line and how do I get my own photo to appear instead of this other person's in my contacts?

Is there some kind of corruption coming from my Android phone that is causing this?

I checked my Google+ account (which I don't really use) and didn't see any issue with my profile picture there. Is there some other place that is getting crossed wires with my Gmail profile?

I have confirmed that my email recipients see my correct profile picture, so I'm not sure if this random profile picture is showing up anywhere else as being me. I also see that if I go into my sent folder, each email I have sent shows this random profile picture as being me, the author of the emails I have sent.

I tried deleting the contact that has the erroneous picture showing up as me, deleting the contact from my phone and from my contacts at However, even after deleting that contact, I still see this extra picture as me that is really someone else.

Best Answer

You have a contact saved with your email address and the photo is saved there. Locate the contact and delete the photo and it will take the one from your Google profile automatically.