Gmail Filters – Why Emails Are Processed After Deleting a Filter


I've a problem with Gmail.

Long time ago, I created a filter for incoming e-mails with a specific address, and gave them a specific label. A few weeks ago, I've deleted the filter and my filter-list is completely empty.

But incoming emails gets still the label from my old filter.

What can I do? There is no filter to delete, and Gmail labels the emails itself.

Best Answer

Under "Account and Imports" tab in the settings you can setup mail forwarding. I believe this will automatically label it with the email address as long as that is setup. I suggest logging into that email you want to forward things from and go into it's options and having all emails forwarded to your account. You can then remove the forwarding in Google and they should not be labelled any more.

Otherwise you will have to deal with it being labelled.

In case that sounds confusing: Basically setup forwarding from the email you want to forward from instead of setting it up through "Accounts and Imports".