Gmail – Why doesn’t the Gmail “mute” button show up for me


In Gmail, there's a nice feature where you can "mute" a thread so that new replies on it no longer get marked as new, so that you aren't bothered by them any more. (Supposedly. I've never actually seen it in my own account. I understand that it's supposed to be in the "More Actions" menu.) This is (would be) particularly useful when a member of a mailing list and there is a popular thread that you're just not interested in.

I don't seem to have it for either my standard Gmail account, or my Google Mail for domains account.

The only reason I can fathom is that I am already using filters to apply labels to mail from mailing lists so that I can easily flip through unread messages on a single topic. Here's an example rule that I'm using:

Matches: to:(
Do this: Skip Inbox, Apply label "CF-ModelGlue", Never send it to Spam

Is it known that filtering messages like this will remove the mute functionality? Is there some other way to get my labels and retain the mute functionality?

Best Answer

You can make the mute button come back when filtering by including the is:unread filter and adding -is:muted. I have the following query displayed beneath my inbox using the Multiple Inboxes lab, and it allows me to mute conversations:

label:Support is:unread -is:muted

This shows me anything labelled Support that I haven't read, and that isn't muted yet. The mute button can be found under the More Actions button as usual.