Gmail – Why won’t the Gmail signature show up in replies to new senders


I set up a Gmail signature under settings, and it pops up automatically when I compose a new email.

However, if someone emails me and I respond to them, it isn't automatically added to my response, which I find very inconvenient.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

Have you had a look at the Insert this signature before quoted text in replies and remove the "--" line that precedes it option just below the signature edit box in your settings?

It’s probably that Gmail is adding your signature after the quoted text when you click reply.

Also, Gmail automatically trims content when you view emails:

The "trimmed content" is typically quoted text from a previous message (identical content) and so they hide it so what's initially visible is only the NEW content. Most people don't need to see the message they just sent that the person is replying to. They just want to see the actual reply (new content).

From Google:

Signatures are separated from the rest of your message by two dashes. To see a signature in Gmail, click the Show trimmed content button at the bottom of the message.