Gmail won’t let me download suspicious attachments


My Gmail account got a message with an attachment from someone that I trust.

enter image description here

There is no such thing as a "Looks safe" button anywhere. The only "banner above" is this:

enter image description here

The message is not in the spam folder. In fact, there isn't any "Not Spam" button like usual, probably because the message isn't marked as spam in the first place. It is just lying there in my inbox.

I have found this solution online:

Which might work, but surely there is a way to download the attachments from the Gmail website?

Best Answer

I had this issue today also, and how I got around the issue:

1. View problem email in your Gmail inbox.

2. Click "Move to" and select the "Spam" folder/label.
I didn't try the "Spam" button, as the sender/attachment I know is safe and not sure if that might flag the send as a spammer to Gmail.

3. Go into the "Spam" folder.

4. Since the mail is in the Spam folder, "Not Spam" should now be visible. Click it!

5. The email is now back in the inbox and the attachment wasn't flagged anymore.