Google+ +1 Tab Missing – Find Pages Given +1


I want to know what pages I have given a +1 in Google+.

Previously I could see this in the +1 tab on my Google+ profile.
The help still describes this as the place to look

However, I can no longer find any +1 tab on my Google+ profile. It now just displays my "interests" and my posts. I cannot find any complete list of the pages that I have given +1.

Where can I find this information?

Best Answer

It appears that that information is no longer accessible through a link on Google+ since the recent redesign.

In order to view your previous "+1's" through a link, you'll have to go Back to classic G+. You'll find a link in the lower left on the menu, which will take you back to your old-style profile which will show +1's as a menu item.

You can also go directly to your +1's through this link: (you'll need to be logged in)

How long either of these remains available is unknown.