Google-analytics – Ecommerce Tracking with Google Analytics

google analytics

I've added the Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking JS to my website and now I need to see if it's working. My problem is, I have no idea what section of the admin I need to look in.

Does anyone know where in the Analytics admin, the Ecommerce Tracking is?

Best Answer

On your Google Analytics dashboard, the left navigation should contain the following items:

  • Dashboard
  • Intelligence Beta
  • Visitors
  • Traffic Sources
  • Content
  • Goals
  • Ecommerce

If you don't see Ecommerce listed, your profile is not set up as an ecommerce site in Google Analytics.

To rectify this:

  1. Go to Analytis Settings, find your profile and choose Edit.
  2. In the Main Website Profile Information seciotn, choose Edit.
  3. Under E-Commerce Website, choose the radio option Yes, an E-Commerce Site
  4. Save Changes