Google-analytics – Google Analytics redirects to ‘’ on clicking ‘View Report’

googlegoogle analytics

After logging in to my Analytics account I can see all the reports I have available (I'm administrator for all). But upon clicking 'View Report' I get redirected to the page:

A quick search turns up a number of threads in Google Groups regarding the same problem, but no viable solutions are suggested.

Best Answer

I have the same problem, but so far Google has been completely unresponsive in the help forums.

So far the only workaround I have is, since you still have access to the administration functions, to give view access to a another Google account of yours (many of the people who have reported this problem are using Google Apps account, so I used my regular Google account just to be safe). It's very annoying to have to log in and out all the time or use a separate browser, because Analytics doesn't support multiple sign-in, but at least you'll be able to see your reports.