Google-analytics – How to integrate Google Analytics with the free blog

google analyticsWordpress

I'm missing the plugin menu in since it is a free account, so I couldn't integrate google analytics through plugins. Is there another way to integrate the blog to google analytics.

Best Answer

Further to Ciaran's answer, I've tried using CloudFlare to run Google Analytics on a blog and it actually works fairly well. There are some limitations but if you're technical enough to be able to manage your own domain then you should be able to get it going.

In a nutshell, you configure CloudFlare's CDN (it's free) to inject the necessary Google Analytics tracking code into each of the web pages that it returns. You'll need: your own domain (ex:, not, the Domain Mapping upgrade from and some technical experience. These are the steps to set it up:

  1. Configure CloudFlare to point to your blog
  2. Configure your domain registrar to point to CloudFlare
  3. Enable Google Analytics in the CloudFlare settings

There's a bit of work here but if you're comfortable with DNS then you could probably set this up in 10 minutes. While I'm not affiliated with CloudFlare in any way I'd recommend looking into it if using Google Analytics on your blog is important to you.

However, this isn't a simple solution and there is some risk. For example, if CloudFlare goes down then your blog will go down too. I'd personally have some reservations if my blog actually got a lot of traffic. I explore the steps required and the pros and cons of this solution in more detail on my blog, if you're interested.