Google Analytics – Do I Have to Sign In Each Time?

authenticationgoogle analytics

I'm already signed in my Gmail account and saved my password. To view my mailbox the only thing I have to do is to visit

But the problem is with visiting Each time after visiting the URL I have to click on "Sign In" and the funny thing is that I don't have to enter my credentials and I'm quickly redirected to analytics control panel. So it sounds like a time-wasting job to click on sign in each time I visit there.

Today I found that by visiting I don't have to click on sign in anymore. But isn't there any way for not clicking sign in when you visit or or

Best Answer

It's their splash screen, and annoyingly it has always been like that. Unfortunately there is no way to skip it without going directly to the /web.

I'd suggest just bookmarking the link to, or if you use Chrome, type in the full URL (same as above) and eventually it'll learn to autocomplete to that instead of the splash screen.

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