Google Apps – Stop ‘Outside of Your Domain’ Notifications


I use a GSuite account as my primary Google account for everything and across calendar / hangouts / etc, I see a "outside of your domain" notification for a lot of random things. Sometimes it's just a message – other times, I have to specifically allow someone from outside my domain to act.

Is there any global setting to allow it always across all apps?

Best Answer

Several G Suite apps have a setting for G Suite admins to enable/disable the warning, like Hangouts

From Hangouts settings

Hangouts out of domain warning

By enabling this setting, you provide a warning to users when they’re having a Hangout with users of an external domain. As an administrator, this also provides you with more visibility into how users communicate with users outside your domain.

If you are a domain admin, go to then to each app settings page and change the corresponding setting accordingly

If you aren't a domain admin, ask your domain admin to change the domain warning settings.

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