Google-apps – Cannot access Google Analytics after Google Apps upgrade

google analyticsgoogle-apps

I have been using my company email address as an account to access Google Analytics for the past 3 years. Recently, I migrated our company email addresses to the Google Apps system and if I remember correctly, Google noticed that a email address already existed and did I want to convert/merge these accounts together – which I said yes to. I did not think what the side effects of this action would lead to, but as of today I cannot access my analytics data using the same login and password I have used for the past 3 years!

Any help is appreciated!

Best Answer

Try this: Visit: and login using these details: Username: Password: your password

E.g. if before you migrated to apps, you used to login into analytics with, then use:

If you can't remember the password, use the usual Forgot Password routine. Once in, you will be able to see your old stuff and Google will guide you accordingly regarding resolving the conflicted accounts etc.