Google-apps – Creating Aliases in Google Apps Email for Non-Users


I would like to create an email alias for a domain associated with my Google Apps domain that points to a domain that's not associated with Google Apps. is associated with GA, is not.

I'm moving from SmarterMail. In SM, I could create an alias,, that points to I didn't have to create an account in SM for, just an entry in the alias table.

In Google Apps, it seems that I have to create a user, then forward that mail to

My two problems are: 1) Setting up the forwarding is more work than just creating an alias. 2) When I switch to the premium service, I have to pay by account. That will be prohibitive as I have tons of aliases.

Is the way SmarterMail does it the normal way and Google is different, or the other way around? Or am I just missing something?

Best Answer

One way you might get it to work is by creating a catch-all email account on Google Apps ( and have all of its email forward to a single account on Hopefully has something similar to SmarterMail's easy solution for creating aliases.

If you are going to use Google Apps to forward your emails, there is a limit of 20 forwarding filters per account. So you should factor that in to decide how many accounts you need.

It seems that Google didn't plan for this kind of feature, at least not as well as SmartMail has.