Google Groups – How to Enable Replies to Older Posts


From Google Groups Help:

You can reply to any message in Google Groups that was posted in the last 60 days. After 60 days, the option to post a reply to the message is removed. In Usenet proper, inactive articles are usually retired (removed completely). Removing the option to post a reply to a message more than 60 days old simulates this feature in Google Groups.

What I want to know is whether it is possible to override this default behaviour for your own Group and allow replies to be posted to older posts – specifically using Google Apps Premier for our own domain.

Best Answer

You can post a message to a closed thread thus:

  1. log in with a subscribed account
  2. click the 'forward' button on the post in the conversation that you want to reply to
  3. put the group email address as the recipient
  4. change 'FW: ' to 'RE: ' at the start of the subject line
  5. write your reply and send
