Google-apps – Google Calendar does not set correct TimeZone

google-appsgoogle-calendartime zone

I have an ics file that I'm importing to Google Calendar, and when I go to that Calendar Settings I read:

alt text

and I specified in ics file the TimeZone in use as:

TZID:Romance Standard Time

and in all events, as

DTSTART;TZID=Romance Standard Time:20101027T150000

problem is that, In all other calendars (Mac iCal, Mozilla Thunderbird, Outlook, etc) they all show the correct times, but in Google, I get all events +1 hour!

What can I do to fix this?

Best Answer

There is a suggested fix available that might help but not sure of your exact circumstances. Basically, try resetting your Google Calendar timezone to something else, saving it and then changing it back to your correct timezone.