Google-apps – Google+ does not show any images in a badge


I have created both a Google+ profile and page.

I'm having some issues with the creation of a Google+ Badge. I want to use this badge on my website, where I have installed diffderent Google+ Widgets.

The funny thing is that all of them show other profiles with nice badges that contain the Google+ button, photos and the count of followers.

I don't have the same luck with my IDs: I can't get them to display any images.

I've tried the Profile Config Tool and I can get it to work with other IDs (e.g., 117634089072667507999 or joomshaper: 106333042920846200705), but not with my own (104428351748591530426).

What do you think goes wrong here?

Best Answer

There are two different badges, one for personal profiles ( and one for Pages ( Make sure you use the correct one depending on which ID you're using and what you want to link it for.