Google-apps – How to add emails (but not users) to Google Apps shared Directory, preferrably by import


I have a Google Apps (free) account. I wish to add email and other contact information to the (shared) directory.

  1. How do I do this one at a time? Right now the directory just has the users' emails.
  2. Is there a way to import vCards or other format for the directory? I see how to add them to the address book, but not the directory.

I don't have an existing Exchange or other setup to pull them from.

Update Dec 12 '11: Yes, under Settings>Contacts>Contact Sharing it is set for Enable contact sharing and Show all email addresses.

Best Answer

Okay. Assuming that you want to add contacts (not users), follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have the Contacts service added to the domain. (
  2. Goto Contacts service settings and Enable contact sharing.
  3. Now, goto:
  4. You can import contacts based on CSV or even vCard.

Hope this helps.