Google-apps – How to enable Google Maps to the enterprise users

google mapsgoogle-apps

We are using Google Enterprise. Usually, when I want to add/remvoe a core/other service it's done from the Admin Control panel

Currently, when trying to access both me (Admin) and my users get the following error:

enter image description here

I am familiar with this procedure, however, within the entire list of Google Services. I can not see Maps/Google Maps or any other service with a similar name. The only think close to it is called: Places – I enabled that, but I don't think it's the service I need.

So, how do I enable Google Maps to my Enterprise users?

Best Answer

Google Maps is not available for Google Apps accounts that were not created with United States as country of organization.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to change country to an existing account, you must delete your google apps account (wait 3-5 days for it to purge from google's systems) and re-create it.