Google Hangouts – How to Permanently Remove an Application


Our team was trying out Slack for a month and I added the Slack app to Google Hangouts, apparently. Now when I enter a hangout I see this sidebar:

Slack sidebar

Since I stopped using Slack, I've tried removing the app with this button on the right sidebar:

Yes, remove Slack!

And I get this prompt:

The cake is a lie.

But the next time I start up a Hangout, the sidebar is back. I found Google's Add or remove an app in Hangouts, but it doesn't actually say how to remove apps. We are using Google Apps for Work. Do I need to contact an SA to fix this or can I do it on my own?

(Note to developers: can we agree to stop overloading the term "app" now?)

Best Answer

Complete the following steps to completely remove the Slack/Hangouts integration.

  1. Go to your Slack URL for service integrations:
  2. Under Google+ Hangouts click the hyperlinked "• Easy creation of..."
  3. On the left side click "Remove Integration"
  4. Click OK on the popup
  5. Close Slack
  6. Go to
  7. Revoke Slack's permissions to access Hangouts

Note: Each Slack/Google user that setup and authorized the integration will need to complete these steps.