Google Workspace – How to Share a Gmail Address Book with Your Spouse


I have a well-maintained contact list in my Google Apps account. My wife is also on the same GApps domain, but her contact list is poorly maintained and only contains email addresses, not postal addresses or even full names.

Given that this is "Google Apps" for my own domain, we're technically a business site, so there ought to be a way to maintain a sort of "corporate-wide" address book that all domain accounts tap into.

Does Google Apps have any kind of central contact list, and how can I maintain that?
Note that I don't mean a list of internal addresses within my domain, but a shared list of external contacts.

It looks like Google Apps doesn't have that kind of functionality, but I hope that the combined brains of SE would have a solution for us. Workarounds from a few years ago seem unsatisfying and perhaps obsolete.

Best Answer

@Torben, I see that you are using Google Apps. The bad news is that Google Apps doesn't have a built-in shared contacts solution, or even a very granular person-to-person solution. The good news is that Google permits you to share all your contacts with another member of your Google Apps domain (up to 25 different members) - check out the feature called "Delegated Contacts".

As I said, it's not perfect (the other user can edit and access all your contacts), but for sharing your contact list with your wife, it should meet your need.