Google-apps – Is Google+ available for Google Apps accounts


Google Plus launched today but when I try to check it out, I get the error:

Google Profiles is not available for your organization.

I have Google Apps on my domain. Am I missing a setting in my administration panel where I enable this feature or is it simply not available to people with Google Apps yet?

My guess is the latter but I would just be surprised if Google launched with it disabled for Google Apps users.

Best Answer

Google+ (and the +1 button) require a Google Profile, and Google hasn't activated Profiles for Apps users yet.

Google stated back in March that Profiles were "coming soon" for Apps, but there's still no sign of it.

UPDATE (July 21)

Still no sign of Profiles/Plus for Apps users, but Googlers keep saying it's coming "in the coming months".

John Costigan, Technical Lead for Google Profiles:

"We're actively working on making Profiles (and Google+) available for Google Apps - it should be available in the coming months." (June 28)

Dave Girouard, President of Enterprise at Google:

"Making Google+ work for Google Apps users is a very high priority for the team. Sorry to make you wait - we have to do it right." (June 29)