Google-apps – Is it possible to add an email alias under a domain alias in Google Apps


This is our setup:

  • Our primary domain is for example
  • We added as a domain alias.
  • One of our users is It now has a email alias.
  • We would like to add as an email alias for but in the administration console it is only possible to add an alias.

We would just like to be able to forward emails to to

Is what we want to do possible?

Best Answer

Yes, this is possible. Simply add "" as an alias for "". Since you already have the "" domain-alias in place, the new "" alias will be mirrored by a "" alias as well.

You can publicize the "" address, and emails sent there will arrive at "".

However, your question did not state whether or not you want to keep the "" secret from the general public. If there will never be a need to send back replies, then the above setup -- as specified -- will be enough. On the other hand, if you want replies to be sent from "" (and not from "") then you will need to also specify this in the "Send mail as" section of your GMail account settings.