Google Forms – Reuse Sent Data Without Re-entering


I am building a Google form to manage summer camp subscriptions. Each request must enclose parents and child data.
The problem is, if a family wants to subscribe more than one child, the process must start from scratch and all parents data must be entered again. Could there be a way to reload (also with a Google Apps script) to form with partially prefilled data based on the previously sent data?
Such as "do you want to send another request" question right before the submit, if yes, reload the form with pre-filled data…
Keep in mind that the response sheet must contain one row per each child….
Any idea?

Best Answer

You could add a regular question to ask for sending another request but the pre-filled form will not be shown immediately if you use a "regular" Google Apps Script.

A "regular" Google Apps Script will use on form submit event to create the pre-filled URL. It could post the URL somewhere or send it through email.

You could implement a "hack" that capture the HTTP POST request made by the Google Form respondent view but this could be very convoluted. Maybe as a challenge for Google Apps Script / Google Forms fans could be interesting. I did that few years ago for a project but the use case completely different, maybe it now works with current version of Google Forms and I don't think that will be able to make a simplified version soon.

An intermediate solution could be to embed the form on a web application that checkouts for new submissions from the active user.