Google-apps-script – Using a script someone else made in Google Docs

google docsgoogle-apps-scriptSecurity

I was looking for a script to add to a Google Doc that would automatically insert the current date into the document. I found the script on this page. The last step is to authorize the script and when you do that this comes up:

This will allow Date Macro to: View and manage your Google Docs documents Make sure you trust Date Macro You may be sharing sensitive
info with this site or app. Learn about how Date Macro will handle
your data by reviewing its terms of service and privacy policies. You
can always see or remove access in your Google Account. Learn about
the risks

So, I am not sure how to proceed. I cannot see anything malicious in the text/script but I do very much want to protect the document that I want the auto-date to appear on.

So, how do I know who/what I am really giving access to when I authorize the script?

Best Answer

If you don't see anything out of order in such script/macro then you are good to ignore all warnings which pop up. It's not like Google scans them and alert you that it found malicious string/command. These kinds of warnings apply almost on all scripts and it's meant to be something like a friendly reminder/warning even though they look like "alerts of found malware".

All your approvals can be found and retracted anytime under Third-party access at: