Google Apps Script – Web App to Google Spreadsheet Using V8


I tried this tutorial, but it was not written for v8– and the logger and javascript parameter passing between html and the script doesn't work.
Is there any way to make this code work in v8, too?

Is there any way to make the logger work so I can see the parameters being passed in the URL to the script? I use this at the end of the web app URL
?name=Joe&age=23 and I see nothing in Logger.log's transcript.

Best Answer

First you should know that the use of V8 in Google Apps Script is optional. If you aren't ready to use it, on the menu bar, click Run then Disable new Apps Script runtime powered by Chrome V8

If by Logger you mean an statement like Logger.log(JSON.stringify(e.paremeters)), if you disable V8, after running a function you could see the logs logged by Logger by clicking View on the menu toolbar then Logs