Google Developer Console – Verify Subdomain


I've been trying to register a hobby app project at Google Developer Console. While registering the OAuth consent screen, I'm told that I must supply a domain verified with Google:

google oauth screen

Now, since this is a hobby project, I don't want to register a new custom domain but use my github pages subdomain which is instead. However, I see no way to verify this subdomain at Google search console as it asks for updation of a TXT/CNAME record for verification. I'd like to ask experts, is there any way to verify a subdomain with Google?

Best Answer

You can use HTML tag to verify your site provided you can add some meta contents to your site. They would give you some html like <meta ....>

Click on try a URL prefix property. Then click on the URL prefix tab. Here, you have to enter your URL with https and press Continue. You will be given the options to add meta tags for your site verification.