Google-apps – What are Chrome App Packs for Business


One of my friends told me about Chrome App Packs for Business. Where can I find information about this service? I haven't found anything at the Chrome Web Store. Do you have any experience with App Packs by Google?

Best Answer

Information on the app packs can be found at Google's Support Page.

App packs are packages of apps that an admin can install for its users. Here are the details from the page on the pre-installed app-packs:

You can pre-install apps on your users' managed Chrome devices so that they see the apps from their apps list when they're signed in to their Chrome devices.

Follow these steps to pre-install apps:

  1. Sign in to the Admin console.
  2. Go to Settings > Chrome Management > User Settings.
  3. Click on Manage pre-installed apps.
  4. In the Manage pre-installed apps dialog box that appears, select the extensions or applications you want to pre-install.

You can also view a collection of the business apps in the app pack on the Chrome Store.

I'd suggest reading over the support page to get a greater understanding of what exactly the app packs are all about.