Google Calendar – Fix Repeat Reminders Not Showing After One Year


I have added a new repeat reminder in Google Calendar. If you look forward in the calendar that repeat stops after 1 year. Why? The "Ends" is set to "Never".
Starting from July 2017 the reminder is missing from the calendar.

Reminder screenshot

enter image description here

Best Answer

Based on your question it sounds like you created a recurring daily event, not a Calendar reminder. Reminders appear on your calendar each day until you mark them as done. You can create them using these directions.

While I didn't find it documented anywhere, in my experience daily recurring events will only appear on your calendar for the next year, but this will update every day. In other words if this daily event shows up for June 10th, 2017 but not June 11th, 2017 right now, wait 24 hours and it will then appear for June 11th, 2017. To put it yet another way, you should see daily recurring events for approximately the next 365 days, regardless of the current date.