Google-calendar – Events I add in Google Calendar are not appearing anywhere


I've made a Google Calendar for my Google+ Group, and I'm simply trying to add events to it.

I select a time, and edit the event, and save it, and when I return to the main calendar interface, my event isn't there. I try looking at the day view, week view, and month view, and my event doesn't show.

I've tried saving the event again, I've tried logging in and out, I've tried hiding and unhiding the calendar… no matter what I do, the events are not appearing.

Why are my events not showing up after being created, and how do I get them to appear as they normally should?

Here is an example of creating an event:


After I click the "Create event" button, I get a message saying the event was created, but in the space where I blocked off the time, nothing is there:


The calendar is set to display as far as I can tell:


Best Answer

Judging by the placement of the calendar in your screenshots. One guess that I have is that you aren't actually creating an event on the right calendar.

Can you try hovering over the calendar in the screenshot, click the triangle icon to open the menu, and select "Create event on this calendar"

See if that works for you. If it does, then the reason you get the weird behavior is that you have to make sure you select that particular calendar to create events on (default behavior is your main, or personal, calendar).