Google-calendar – Google Calendar changing primary calendar events’ time


On my primary calendar on Google Calendar, any time I create an event, the event time gets moved to 3 hours prior to the time I specify. This does not happen immediately, but after a short time (e.g. an hour).

Things I have noticed:

  • All-day events get changed to 9:00pm – 9:30pm the day prior.
  • All non-all-day events simply have their start and end time shifted back 3 hours.
  • This only happens to events on the PRIMARY calendar (I know of no way to delete the calendar entirely, or to change the primary calendar).

I have gone through all settings related to my Google account, Google Calendar, and the specific calendar, and verified that all timezones are set properly to "Arizona" time (no daylight savings, currently GMT-7:00 Mountain Time. I have no devices set up to sync with the calendar (I simply access from

In addition, I have deleted all events on the calendar, and there are no events that are shared by any of my calendars (though I have set up 3 "Interesting" calendars — Weather, US Holidays, Friends' Birthdays).

My current resolution to this issue is to rename the calendar to 'DO NOT USE', but given that this is the primary calendar (default for all events, unhidable, and at the top of the list), it is rather annoying.

My question is how can I resolve this problem? I am looking for an answer that will tell me any of the following:

  • How can I change the primary calendar?
  • How can I delete the primary calendar?
  • How can I resolve the time-changing issues with the calendar?

Best Answer

It's a time zone conflict between your Google Calendar and the devices you sync it with. I had the same problem. One of my devices didn't have Daylight Savings set, and after syncing it would send a different time back to the Google servers.