Google-calendar – Google Calendar: How to show or hide multiple calendars with one click


I use Google Calendar at work and I have access to lots of my coworkers' calendars which makes the view pretty messy, so I mostly keep them hidden. Is there a way (maybe with some plugin or extension) to show and hide all these calendars with one click?

Best Answer

I realize that you are specifically asking for one click, still I'd like to offer a (mostly) three click solution as likely helpful as well (for anyone not aware of it already at least ;)

  1. Within the left sidebar, under Other calendars, click Settings.
  2. Within the second column, under SHOW IN LIST, click all/none as appropriate.
  3. At the bottom left, click Back to calendar.

Obviously, depending on your calendar distribution between the upper and lower section, you might need to click all/none another time in the other section as well eventually.

In case this really doesn't serve your needs, it should indeed be possible to extend Google calendar via the Calendar APIs and Tools (the calendar class has a hidden property) and/or a Calendar Sidebar Gadget - I'm not aware of an existing solution offering the desired functionality, so you'll need to roll your own in case.