Google-calendar – Google Calendar: Recurring Event Every X WEEKdays


I need to create a Google Calendar event that repeats every 3 days, but NOT counting weekends. For example: Mon, Thu, Tue, Fri, Wed, Mon, Thu, etc.

I know how to do a "repeat every X days" but it includes weekends.

Is there a way to exclude weekends?

Best Answer

There's no way to do that natively with Google Calendar. There might be a way to do it with ICAL, but you'd need a client that could create the events with the right setup or to build it manually by hand.

Since every three workdays is a repeating cycle...

  1. Monday, Thursday
  2. Tuesday, Friday
  3. Wednesday
  4. Monday, Thursday
  5. ...

In week 4 the pattern starts again.

One not-too-painful workaround would be to create three separate events, each with the same information.

Here's how you can do that:

  1. In week 1, create the event on Monday. Set it to repeat Weekly, every 3 weeks, on Monday and Thursday
  2. In week 2, create the event on Tuesday. Copy the information from the event in week 1. Set it to repeat Weekly, every 3 weeks, on Tuesday and Friday
  3. In week 3, create the event on Wednesday. Copy the information from the event in week 1. Set it to repeat Weekly, every 3 weeks, on Wednesday

It's not as simple as a single event, but at least it's only three to manage.