Google Calendar – How to Transfer ‘All Day’ Events Between Months


I put my tasks on my calendar as 'all-day' events (there is Google Tasks for Calendar but I don't want to use it). However, since August ended with a Saturday, there is not a single day of September displayed on the month view of August, so I can't drag-and-drop my events from August to September. I don't want to click and go to the edit view of every single August event/task and change the date to September.

Is there a faster way?

Best Answer

Go to your settings and change Week starts on: to Monday. Drag all your events, then change Week starts on: back to Sunday (if that is what you prefer).

You can also use the mini-calendar in the left sidebar: click and hold on the first day of August, then drag down into September. All the days you select will appear in the main calendar view.