Google Calendar – How to Create a Recurring Event on the Nth Day of the Year


For example, tomorrow is the 256th day of the year, and this day is recognized as the Programmer's Day in some countries. In this case, it's not always September 13th, because it can be September 12th for leap years, nevertheless I don't know if such case is supported in Google Calendar.

Is it possible to create such an event?

Best Answer

Except for possibly using an iCalendar kludge (see other questions about unusual repeating events) there does not appear to be a way to do it with the Google Calendar interface.

"Daily" repeating events only let you choose up to 30 day intervals. Similarly, "Weekly" only lets you choose an interval of up to 30 weeks.

"Monthly" won't work, because even if you choose a 12-month interval, you still have to choose a day of the month (13th) or a day of the week (second Friday). And, of course, "Yearly" only lets you choose a specific date.

I think the best you'll be able to do is to make a Yearly event on September 13, and then manually move those occurrences in leap years back the the 12th.