Google-calendar – How to disable Google Calendar from scheduling events with “1A” in the title to 1:00am


I'm setting up a calendar for a course I'm teaching where the course modules are designated 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, etc. Whenever I enter something for the "A" events, Google Calendar interprets this as "a.m." and automatically puts it in the morning, even though I intend for it to be an all-day event. For example "Lesson on Module 2A" ends up as the event "Lesson on Module", scheduled for 2:00am. If I try to set the event manually to "all day", Google deletes the "2A" from the title and I have to add it back in.

Is there any way to disable this automatic parsing of the time?

Best Answer

While I don't think there is a way to 'disable this automatic parsing of the time' can you please specify how to recreate this issue, list the steps how you do it.

I try to re create it but I really don't understand how you get this issue. For what my understanding this is what you do:

.1 You have created a Class in Classroom called 1A. 2A atc. .2 You enter through the class in the Class's calendar(then it doesnt matter if you enter from classroom, once the class is created the new calendar is in .3 ( class 1A will have by default the calendar's name 1A.

.4 I create an event and it should change automatically to a.m? this is the part that I dont get how you find this issue.

I ask you to clarify step by step so to understand how you get this, maybe the issue is not because of the name of the calendar but something else? Also I may find a workaround as well but firt I need to understand the real issue