Google Calendar – How to Show TripIt Calendar


I want to see my upcoming TripIt travel plans on my Google Calendar. I thought I would just be able to subscribe to my TripIt ical feed from GCal, but it doesn't seem to work.

I got my ical feed from TripIt; it looks something like this:

webcal://**obscured private identifier**/tripit.ics

I then tried pasting that link into the 'Add By URL' option to add an external calendar to my Google Calendar. No error is displayed, but no events appear on my calendar either.

I then tried changing webcal:// in the link to my TripIt feed to http:// but I got the same results.

Has anyone else successfully done this? Am I missing something basic here?

Best Answer

According to the official directions on how to add it to Google Calendar, it shows a calendar URL in a format that is different than the one you supplied:

Your URL has feed and private in it. It might be due to privacy concerns and only your public events can be displayed.

You could try seeing if there are other iCal URLs for your calendar:
I don't have an account so I can't try it, but this url should take you to where the iCal feed is: