Google-calendar – How to hide placeholder events for invitations not replied to on a google calendar I’m subscribed to


I'm subscribed to my wife's google calendar. She got some spam calendar invitations, and she reported them as spam, however, the invitations are still showing up for me as placeholder events on her calendar. On my end, how can I still see events she has created or accepted, while hiding these invitations to which she hasn't accepted or declined?

I know there is a setting to prevent unaccepted invitations from showing up on one's own calendar, but I am not seeing a setting for this on my end – on the calendar I subscribed to (under "settings for other calendars" > [wife's calendar name]). There are only settings for notifications, ways to integrate the calendar, and a button to unsubscribe from the calendar.

I also would like to still show invitations to my personal calendar to show up as placeholders, if possible.

Best Answer

...but I am not seeing a setting for this on my end - on the calendar I subscribed to (under "settings for other calendars" > [wife's calendar name])

You will not find it there.
You have to look under: Settings > General > Event settings
It is a setting for all your calendars not a specific one.

calendar general settings