Google-calendar – How to make an event repeat on the third last working day of each month in Google Calendar


Unfortunately my pay dates are a nightmare. I get paid on the third last working day at the end of each month. Here's a years worth of dates.

  • 29/09/14
  • 29/10/14
  • 26/11/14
  • 19/12/14 (exception due to christmas) this one can be ignored
  • 28/01/15
  • 25/02/15
  • 27/03/15
  • 28/04/15
  • 27/05/15
  • 26/06/15
  • 29/07/15
  • 26/08/15

Is this possible to do in Google Calendar or .ical format (RFC5545) and import? I've explored RRULE a bit, but can't find a solution.

Best Answer

you can achieve this by leveraging the RRULE of the RFC5545.

To get the desired results, you need to define the fact that you get paid once a month FREQ=MONTHLY then defining the days of which you can get paid (monday, tuesday, ..., friday) using the property BYDAY=MO,TU,WE,TH,FR and then specifying that you only get paid on the third last one BYSETPOS=-3 the final RRULE then reads:


you can see the results here