Google-calendar – How to print Google Calendar to show full range of hours


When I try to print my weekly Google Calendar, it shows roughly 6 am – 3 pm. I need it to print at least through 5 pm and maybe longer. Any suggestions on how to adjust the range that prints?

Best Answer

Google uses some sort of auto logic to determine the display time window. This is not customization directly in Google Calendar. Here are two work-arounds/alternatives:

  1. Put in a 'dummy' appointment(s) to dictate the printable time line. Example: If you want 8am to 6pm, put a dummy apt at 8am and one ending at 6pm to get Google to print this time window.

  2. Use an App. If on Windows an app called wincalendar converts Google Calendar to Microsoft Word/Excel format. Unlike Google Calendar, it supports a user-selected start/end time window.