Google Calendar – How to Subscribe to Calendar

All the help I find is for the opposite direction. I need my calendar to show up in my Google calendar, as the events I create in my windows phone don't sync to my main Google calendar.

I am not using the Outlook windows application.

I attempted to share the calendar from to my gmail address, but get an error:

Sharing error

Sorry, this invitation isn't valid anymore. The sender
may have taken away your permission, or you may have already declined
this invitation. If you'd like to see this calendar, ask its owner to
share it with you again.

If there is an alternative solution that accomplishes the result I want (my events showing up in Google calendar) that would be OK.

Best Answer

From Marco_Mi. replied on May 6, 2013

  1. Sign in to Calendar (
  2. On the toolbar, click Share
  3. Select the calendar that you want to export/embed.
  4. Click Get a link.
  5. Under Show event details (click Create) Note: If step number 5 is already performed, just skip it and click Link to event details
  6. Copy the link that you needed and paste it on the desired program/website.