Google Calendar – How to View or Add Reminders on Web Version


I often set reminders in Google Calendar on the Android version, but when I check my Calendar on the web, those reminders are nowhere to be found. Even though this article states it should have been possible in 2016:

I also checked the web version of Google Keep, since Calendar reminders seem to have a strange symbiotic relation with Google Keep notes, but my reminders aren't there either.

Maybe asking for a way to add reminders is too much, but I'd really like to at least be able to view my reminders without relying on a specific device.

Edit – My "creation dialog" also looks different from Walt's: there is no input for selecting reminder:
enter image description here

Best Answer

Normally reminders are shown in Google Calendar along with events:


and are created in the same way, by selecting "Reminder" on top of the creation dialog:

create remidner


  • Check the list of "My Calendars" to make sure that Reminders are selected there.

  • You may be experiencing a transient issue with reminders not showing up in the web version of Google Calendar. (I had this a couple of days ago). If so, all you can do is wait until the hiccup passes.