Google Calendar – How to Increment Number Inside Recurring Event


Is there a way to automatically increment a number inside of a recurring event in Google Calendar?

Basically, what I'd like to do is add an event that tells me how old my daughter is, by week and by month, until she is two.

My memory is terrible and it sucks to stop and count the weeks every time I need to know this.

Best Answer

I was looking to do something similar for a 90-day workout routine. I ended up writing a simple bash script, using GoogleCL, that added an event for each of the next 90 days with the week and day number of the course in the title of the event.

Something similar could easily be done to count the age of your daughter. A search for GoogleCL should bring up needed info.

I guess the drawback is that the events are not "linked" like a recurring event is if you want to make a change later.

@digitxp Maybe this is an even nerdier solution?

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